The biggest difference between Annie Hall and the other two Allen movies I have seen is Woody Allen. He doesn't appear as a character in either of the other two, but he is the character in Annie Hall. I quickly realized that I could barely stand to watch this guy. His dialog was interesting, but the jerky manner in which it was spat out of his bespectacled face was very disconcerting. I was unable to digest his genius when all I could think about was jamming a rolled-up tube sock down his throat. It wasn't always horrible, but there were several times it the film just became so frustrating to watch. I have heard other critics claim that a writer/director is self-indulgent, but Annie Hall would be the definition of the phrase for me.
I realize a lot of people love this film, and those people are thinking that I totally don't understand what Woody Allen was trying to do with it. Maybe I don't... maybe I don't care. At its base it is a romantic comedy without romance. It is a tale of two lovers that don't have an ounce of chemistry. It is a story of a neurotic man who neither desires, nor deserves any of our sympathy.
Surprisingly Woody Allen's sense of humor works for me. I found it to be fairly funny. I just couldn't stand the delivery. I can appreciate what Allen was trying to do. At the same time, I can dislike the way he did it. Something about his style doesn't suit me, and I won't be working my way through his vast library of film.
Part of me wants to force myself to endure Annie Hall again, just to see if I can realize the magic upon a second viewing. The more practical part of me acknowledges that I will probably never watch this film again; and I am completely fine with that. If you think Woody Allan is the cat's pajamas then more power to you. A ton of people love him, I am just not one of them. I still feel like I should watch Allen's more famous movies, just to have the experience. I am not sorry I watched Annie Hall. I am glad I got to see what all the fuss was about. What Woody movie should I see next to get things back on track? What are his best that I should seek out?
Filed Under: Comedy, New York, Romance, Woody Allen